Prayer to Pope Saint John Paul II
Pope Saint John Paul II,
Vicar of Our Lord on Earth for 27 years,
We look to your guidance and
Rely on your intercession to help us
Navigate this wretched physical thing,
May we, too,
Benefit from malfeasance, corruption, and assassination.
May we, too,
Lie and omit on behalf of associates
And ourselves
To save face and reputation,
Thus influence.
May we, too,
Use whatever financial and spiritual power
To bring down governments,
Fund mercenaries,
And create political crises.
You remind us of the cost of will,
Of operation:
Pray for us.
You showed the truth that disabuses the myth of Absolute Power:
Pray for us.
You rest in heaven because you sullied your hands
For the sake of Our Lord:
Pray for us.
May we keep and remember——
There is always a cost;
We are bound by the decisions of those that came before us.
And, reposed Holy Father,
May we feel
Of a certain Gnostic truth:
As Francis said: “he came from a closed world…
He was great;
He was great.”